Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baltimore Co. Seeks to Construct Walking/Bicycling Network for Employment Centers

The Baltimore County Office of Planning is hosting four workshops to seek public input for an action plan to
construct pedestrian and bicycle improvements in the urban sections of western Baltimore County.

The workshops will seek public input on opportunities to make improvements to sidewalks and crossings, on-street bicycle facilities and off-road trails to provide a more complete network of walking and bicycling facilities.

The Western County Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Plan is the second phase of a county-wide plan to develop a
comprehensive network of pedestrian and bicycle facilities providing access from major residential areas to schools, recreation areas, shopping and employment centers. The first phase included the eastern side of the county, and the County adopted that plan in 2006. The third and final phase of the plan will target the County's rural areas.

"The goal is to help make Baltimore County a better and safer place for walking and bicycling," said County
Executive Jim Smith. "As many as 50 percent of household trips are 3 miles or less and most of them are made by car. The goal is to encourage that short trips be made on foot or by bike, while at the same time promoting recreation, fitness, better health, and environmental sustainability."

Workshop Dates
There will be one workshop in each affected Council District, from 7 - 9 p.m., on the following dates:

Wednesday, April 21 - Council District 3
Cockeysville Middle School
10401 Greenside Drive
Cockeysville, MD 21030

Tuesday April 28 - Council District 1
Catonsville Public Library
1100 Frederick Road
Catonsville, MD 21228

Complete Online Survey
Citizens unable to attend one of the meetings can still provide comments by completing the online survey that is accessible on the project web site, found here:

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